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Friday, December 31, 2010

Blog Fail

Wow...where has the last 6 months gone! What can I say? Time flies when your having fun...that and things pretty much stay the same in my little corner of the world the majority of the time. But, for those of you who have been waiting with baited breath, here's a short...or perhaps not-so-short...summary of what I've been up to.

 I was on the RED team again...and again we WON!


HAVASUPAI! Except, it was closed! After almost 12 hours of driving we reached the turn off to Indian 18 only to be greeted by a giant stop sign! There had been a flood washing out the trail a few days before...and no one had called to cancel our reservation. After a bit of deliberation we decided to jump onto I-40 and head to California! After 15 hours smashed together in Betty, my Dodge Caliber, we arrived in San Pedro! Thanks does not even begin to cover our gratitude to our friend Aymara's family that opened their living room to us! We set up camp out in the garage and crashed on their couches!
 We played at the Santa Monica Pier...eating the MREs we packed for Hava, riding the giant ferris wheel, walking along the board walk, and listening to live music.

 Spent a day at Disney Land...
 Did some Boogy Boarding at Manhattan Beach...  
And splurged on fresh seafood for our final meal! After eating MREs for almost every meal, this was a fantastic treat! While it wasn't the trip we'd planned, a good time was had by all. I think the best part was the time spent in the car...laughing, teasing, singing a long to the radio
"Stashing" people during the drive home! 
At our rest stop in Beaver we each bought a fake mustache and wore it the rest of the ride home. We'd drive right up next to people and drive even with them until they looked at us...then we'd just do the head nod and speed off...they'd been Stashed!

Back to school for my second to last semester! I'm beginning to believe the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train, but in fact the light at the end of the road. 

Rock and Roll All Night...And Party Every Day
 Kierstan and I at the KISS concert 9-22-10
 So much fun! I really could rock and roll all night and party everyday!
BEST SHOT EVER! I decided next time they come in concert, I'm springing for back stage passes!


I'm going to be a GREAT AUNT! Brit Brit and Colby announced they had a bun in the oven! I'm so stinkin' excited I can hardly stand it! Baby Girl expected to arrive at the end of March 2011

Happy Hauntings! Our annual Halloween Party...also my favorite time of year!
I was a fabulous flapper girl! 


Thanksgiving! Mom bought a table a year or so ago that expands from a 4 foot round to seating for 20 and she finally got to put it to good use as this year our table was set for 15! Although we've been having monthly family dinner together, this was the first time we've all been together for Thanksgiving since I was a little girl! I was extra thankful to spend the day with the majority of those I love, although it made me miss my Grandma and Grandpa just a little bit more. My mom's neighbors also joined in, since he had broken his foot so they weren't able to travel home to be with family. 
And who knew a dog bed could be so much fun! Kenn took turns spinning Kaicee and Finnley  around on the hard wood floor...giggles galore!

 This year I took charge of starting a new tradition! The Giant Gingerbread Build Off! It was more work than I anticipated...that a lot of gingerbread dough to knead, but it was well worth the effort! Every time I opened the over door I expected one to jump out and say, "Run, run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me! I'm the Gingerbread Man! We all had such a great time, laughing and giggling at what each person came up with!
And as a bonus...they tasted Mmm Mmm Good!

And now, it's the last day of the year. All in all, 2010 has been a good year. I made new friends, had new experience, and made new memories to last a life time.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Vampires Suck...

I Can't Wait!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

To, Two, Too

When I was in the 5th grade, Mrs. Dubois challenged us in a homonym assignment. We were given a week, I think, to come up a list of homonyms. Whomever ended up with the biggest list won. That was at least 20 years ago, but every now and then I come across a word and think, "That could have gone on my homonym list." Funny how things like that stick.

On a side note. For some reason I remember Kenny Bryson winning our homonym challenge. But, I'm pretty sure I'm getting that confused with the challenge to find a word that contained a Q that was not followed by a U. Kenny's word? Q-Tip.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I've never been one to do things the "traditional" way. Some may call it stubbornness. Others may call it laziness. Whatever it may be, I still get the job done...I just get it done my way. So was the case with my collage career. When I graduated from Lehi Senior High School it was 1997. The majority of my friends went straight to college. I decided I needed a break. Everyone said, "You'll never go back." I knew I would. I did too. One year later, I started at UVSC. The nursing program at that time was done via wait list. Getting into the program consisted of attending an orientation meeting and putting your name on the "yes I want to be in your nursing program" list. Somewhere in that first year of college life got a bit crazy. I found relief and escape from the stresses of my life in the clubbing world where it was all drown out by cigarette smoke, alcohol, loud music, and boys. Somewhere amongst all the confusion I thought, "Do I really want to be a nurse, or have I always just been told I want to be a nurse?" I didn't think I knew, so when my name came up on the wait list, I didn't take the spot.

Now, fast forward a few years to a time when things are clearer...

I got home from my mission and I knew I wanted to be a nurse. However, things had changed. The nursing program wait list is no more. Now, an application process must be completed...and grades are important. Not just any grades will do. I needed A's. This is where I find myself siding with those that sight stubbornness as the key to my way of doing things. Perhaps it could be called perserverance because before getting into the nursing program I took Math 1050 four times, Anatomy three times, Physiology 2 times, and Chemistry 2 times.  But, I got in.

And now....I GRADUATED!  While I technically graduated in December 2009, the graduation services weren't until April 30, 2010. It only took 12 years to finish my Associate Degree. But I did, and by damn, come hell or high water I was walking in Convocation!

Walking around to get my diploma
Sandy, my step-mom, presented my diploma with Dean Rushforth

My Biggest Fans: My Family!
I couldn't have done it with out all their love and support. 
My Parents: Always pushed me to do my best without breaking my spirit.
Thanks for always believing in me and allowing me to do things my way.
The Graduate! 

It feels so surreal. Perhaps it's because I know this time next year I'll do it all again with my Bachelor Degree. Perhaps it's because the journey was long and winding. Whatever the reason, I wouldn't change a thing!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

31...and so much fun

It happens every year. As my birthday approaches I plot and plan to have some sort of amazing celebration...and it never happens. The reason? One word: School. It's so overwhelming. Since my birthday falls just 2-ish weeks before finals, everything class wise is coming to a head. Final papers to be written, final projects to finish, and finals too study for. The birthday gets set a side before I know it and then later I think, "Oh ya. It was my birthday. I should have celebrated." This year, however, was going to be different!

On my 2010 Bucket List is a goal/wish/dream to watch the sun come up at Delicate Arch. My friend Bekky took that thought and ran with it, planning a trip to Moab to fulfill that wish ON MY BIRTHDAY! So cool! I was so excited! And then, I threw my back out. I couldn't stand up straight and walk, so hiking was definitely out. Rotten!  Alas, the trip was canceled. Well, more like postponed until later this year...it will happen!

And now....the final papers have been written, final projects have been turned in, and finals begin tomorrow. 


Now, before you cry any tears for my sad, uncelebrated birthday, have no fear. All was not lost. Ashleigh and Britney took pitty on my sad, sorry self and planned an impromptu girls night party. My sisters and nieces all came down to my mom's for pizza and a movie.  A good time was had by all.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bella's New Love Interest

Just something to make you giggle

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Wish It Were June!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Handsome Men's Club

Okay. Okay. I know...it's another clip from Youtube. And, it's 10 minutes long.
But trust me, it's worth it!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Every one should see...



Saturday, March 6, 2010

Did You Know...

I like to dabble in photography?
Here are some of my {Favorites}


Saturday, February 27, 2010

What Every Woman Should Have


One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you how FAR you’ve come.

Enough money within your control to move out and rent a place on your own even if you never want to or need to.

Something PERFECT to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.

A purse, a suitcase, and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying.

A youth you’re content to move beyond.

A past JUICY enough that you are looking forward to retelling it in your old age.

The realization that you are going to have an old age and some money set aside to help fund it.

A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, A BLACK LACE BRA.

One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.

A good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.

8 matching plates, wineglasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make your guests feel honored.

A resume that is not even the slightest bit padded.

A feeling of control over your destiny.

A skin regime, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few facets if life that don’t get better.

A solid start on: a satisfying career a satisfying relationship and all those other facets if life that DO GET BETTER.


How to fall in love without losing yourself.

How you feel about having kids.

How to quit a job, break up with a man, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.

When to try harder and when to walk away.

How to kiss a man in a way that communicates p e r f e c t l y what you would and wouldn’t like to happen NEXT.

How to ask for what you want in a way that makes it most likely you’ll get it.

How to have a good time at a party you’d never chose to attend.

That you can’t change  the width of your hips, the length of your calves, or the nature of your parents.

That your childhood may not have been perfect BUT IT’S OVER.

What you would or wouldn’t do for love or money.

How to live alone even if you don’t like it.

Who you can TRUST and who you can’t and why you shouldn’t take it personally.

Where to go, be it your best friend’s kitchen table or a charming inn hidden in the woods when your soul needs soothing.

What you can and can’t accomplish in a day, a month, a year.

Why they say life begins right now!

From 30 things every woman should have & should know by the time she's 30 by Pamela Redmond Satran

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's official....

Thursday, February 18
Twas the night before NCLEX and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except for the nursing student in the basement who couldn't sleep and had anxiety so badly that she felt as though an elephant was sitting on her chest. When sleep finally came so did nightmares of sleeping in and missing her test appointment. Not a very restful night.

Friday, February 19
Test time 0800, arrive 30 minutes early to allow for time to fill out paper work. With a click of the mouse the countdown begins. Six hours is all you get to take this test. At least 75 questions and up to 265 at most. The more questions you get right, the harder they get. When the computer is 95% confident you're competent the test clicks off and the test is over. 90 minutes and 130 questions later the computer screen went black. 0930 walked out of the testing center pretty certain I had failed. Then the waiting began....

Saturday, February 20
Utah Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing is closed. No results will be posted. Zumba in the morning to work out some of the anxiety that comes with waiting. Off to work...a nice distraction.

Sunday, February 21
DOPL is still closed. Loving friends and family start to say things like, "I know you'll pass." "Have you heard anything yet?" "Don't worry, DOPL opens tomorrow and it'll post." Unless it didn't. I felt as though the test had chewed me up and spit me back out. I came to the conclusions it wasn't called a CAT test for nothing...It was a big ugly black cat hissing with claws bared.

Monday, February 22
0730: Check DOPL website. No results posted. Off to school to pass the time.
0900: Check DOPL website during a break between classes. No results posted.
1130: Home from school. Check DOPL website. No results posted.
1330: Check one more time before leaving for work. No results posted.
1331: Give in and pay $7.95 to receive Quick Results. Best money ever spent, for there on the screen it read: PASSED!

I let out a whispered shock, "I passed!?!" Then at the top of my lungs, "I PASSED!" Then I started to cry.

I Passed The NCLEX!
Somerset Smith, R.N.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Valentines is a day of LOVE
So, I spent it with the a Bug I love

I don't think I could love any one more than I love this little bug.
Baking cookies, painting sun catchers, eating Heart shaped pizza, and
dancing with Micheal Jackson.

A few of our conversations this weekend went like this:

Kaicee: Somie, Jesus died...and so did Micheal Jackson.

Kaicee: Jesus and Micheal Jackson are in a fight.
Me: Why?
Kaicee: Micheal Jackson did drugs so Jesus is mad at him.
Me: No. Jesus is sad, but he loves every body.
Kaicee: No. He hates Micheal Jackson.

While singing along to Lady Antebella's Need You Now...
Me: What does it mean to be drunk?
Kaicee: It means you're really sick.

As much as I wish to keep her my little baby bug Forever, she gets bigger every day. She makes me laugh so hard, and sometimes I just love her so much it makes me cry.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dear Andrew,

As I opened my eyes this morning I thought of you, just as I do every February 14. I'll never forget walking into your bedroom to find you sitting cock-eyed on you walker with disheveled brown hair from just waking up; looking up at me from behind those Harry Potter glasses with sparkling brown eyes and a smile from ear to ear.

Happy Valentimes Day, Somer.
It is a day of LOVE
and I love you!

I love you, too, Andrew. Thank you for bringing such goodness and joy into my life. Knowing and loving you made me a better person.

Love Always,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dear Daylights...

Have I told you lately that

The Daylights "Alive" Live Performance from Walter May on Vimeo.

Rogue Machine (Don't Say That You Want Me) from The Daylights on Vimeo.

The new album drops in 42 days. Pre-order it here
PS...Who wants to buy me the House Party Gig?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cake Wrecks

Life is insane! Life is busy! Life is beautiful. I have plenty of events to recall a-la-blog, however, they can wait. Sometimes I just need something to make me laugh-out-loud! Thanks to Cake Wrecks for these gems (Note: some parental discretion is advised):

Take heart, Peter; you only have to turn one once.

Gross unpassend fliegend Fekalie-Kuchen!
Wo IST die Toiletin? Fahrvergnügen?
Ich bin ein Berliner!
Schnell! Schnell!

Ahem. Well, I think that gets the point across.

It should be noted that the cake was supposed to read, "Germany, HERE we come!" (Ah, those pesky, hilarity-inducing homonyms.)

Ok, let's be generous and assume the Wreckerator meant "Touchdown," but for some reason couldn't remember how to spell "down."

Even then, you know there are FB pics out there of a bunch of drunken guys posing with this cookie cake held in very, shall we say, strategic locations. Not good, bakers, not good.

I feel I should warn you: this next cake will guarantee you'll never, EVER, want sprinkles again.

And Finally....

I have no words!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

For Christmas, Asleigh and I decided to take Mom to Vegas to see Donny & Marie at the Flamingo. Britney jumped a boared and we took hit the road! We checked in only to find out the show had been canceled. Donny was sick! We were shocked and my mom almost started to cry...she loves them! But, we decided to make lemonade and see another show instead.

We bought matching T-Shirts and got all dolled out for the show. The show was amazing! We had the best weekend shopping the forum shoppes at Ceasars Palace, playing with make-up at the MAC store, & watching the fountains at the Bellagio.