It's impossible to walk around our Nations Capitol without reflecting on the cost of freedom. Monuments abound honoring the sacrifice of brave men and women who gave there all to up hold the liberty we each enjoy. However, it wasn't until I walked the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery that I was struck with the true cost of freedom. How humbling it was to walk among row after row of white marble...husbands, fathers, sons, wives, mothers...each life changed by the cost of war. Veterans walked among the fields
of white and I wondered how many of them found friends whose fates led them to lie beneath the white marble markers. I shot picture after picture, hoping to convey the awe I found among the vast sea of white, only to come up incredibly short. At the Tomb of the Unknown, I stood in awe during the changing of the guard. Each movement an act of exactness and precision done with respect and rever
ence for those who are known but only to God. I stood as the relief commander conducted a detailed white-glove inspection of the weapon and scrutinized the every detail of the on coming sentinels appearance. The elite members of the Honor Guard walk 24 hours a day 365 days of the year in any weather, never breaking the cadence of 90 steps per minutes, their weapon positioned on the shoulder closest to visitor, signify their place between the tomb and any possible threat. Although I'd made my through the bustling city to monument after monument before, it was here among the reverence and respect for those resting beneath the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery that I felt a complete gratitude from the peace I enjoy, and the price paid for Freedom.
Scattered Thoughts
8 months ago
oh i love Arlington cemetary! it is the coolest place ever! i want to go back one day... now that i am older i'm pretty sure i will appreciate the feeling thre alot more! i love DC! looks like you had so much fun! love ya
I found your blog through Britney and Colby. They put a comment up and I followed it to yours. Looks like you had a great time in DC, I love DC and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Michelle Randall Kelly
Yeah, you were a heartbeat away from me!!
Hey are you coming to the BBQ on Tuesday? You need to come!! It's a 6:00 at T.C.'s place. Hope to see you there!
Hey Somer!
Loved cruzin' your blog. Just got back from Arlington this spring myself. I think I saw the same guards...glasses...haircuts...stern looks...yup it was them all right!
Miss seeing you around lately. Hope school and work aren't too nasty.
-Bro G
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