Love Notes. I love Love Notes. There's just something validating in receiving those small, brightly colored pieces of paper containing bits of randomness and good cheer. I have every Love Note I've ever gotten. When days are a bit cloudy and it's difficult to see the sun, I randomly pull a Love Note, or sometimes more, from the box and it brightens my day. Here are some of my favorite Love Notes: Sum Sum ~Can I call you Sum Sum? You're Awesome!
I hope you can love me back!Somer~ I love your sense of humor, honesty, and faith.
Somer ~ You are such a sweetie pie!! You always make my day! Such a beautiful girl! I really admire you in so many ways. Thank you for always being so happy.
My Somer ~ Thank you darling for everything always. You're the true-bluest friend a girl could ask for! I think you're super great!
Somer~ I chose to write you a note on yellow paper because it is bright, sunny, and cheery, all the characteristics that remind me of who? YOU! I love spending time with you and admire your cheery attitude in life. Just know I think you're "crackalakin!"
Little things make a big difference in our lives. Little are the Love Notes that bring rays of sunshine into not so sunny days.
Scattered Thoughts
8 months ago
I am so excited that you have joined the competition! (This is Erin Summerill by the way)...that is ok if you found about it from a friend, from a friend, from a friend...I love the internet!
This competition is just what I needed, and along the way, I am hoping to rope in a great group. Thanks for joining. If you have more questions, my email is: erinsummerill{at}hotmail{dot}com
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