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Friday, December 31, 2010

Blog Fail

Wow...where has the last 6 months gone! What can I say? Time flies when your having fun...that and things pretty much stay the same in my little corner of the world the majority of the time. But, for those of you who have been waiting with baited breath, here's a short...or perhaps not-so-short...summary of what I've been up to.

 I was on the RED team again...and again we WON!


HAVASUPAI! Except, it was closed! After almost 12 hours of driving we reached the turn off to Indian 18 only to be greeted by a giant stop sign! There had been a flood washing out the trail a few days before...and no one had called to cancel our reservation. After a bit of deliberation we decided to jump onto I-40 and head to California! After 15 hours smashed together in Betty, my Dodge Caliber, we arrived in San Pedro! Thanks does not even begin to cover our gratitude to our friend Aymara's family that opened their living room to us! We set up camp out in the garage and crashed on their couches!
 We played at the Santa Monica Pier...eating the MREs we packed for Hava, riding the giant ferris wheel, walking along the board walk, and listening to live music.

 Spent a day at Disney Land...
 Did some Boogy Boarding at Manhattan Beach...  
And splurged on fresh seafood for our final meal! After eating MREs for almost every meal, this was a fantastic treat! While it wasn't the trip we'd planned, a good time was had by all. I think the best part was the time spent in the car...laughing, teasing, singing a long to the radio
"Stashing" people during the drive home! 
At our rest stop in Beaver we each bought a fake mustache and wore it the rest of the ride home. We'd drive right up next to people and drive even with them until they looked at us...then we'd just do the head nod and speed off...they'd been Stashed!

Back to school for my second to last semester! I'm beginning to believe the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train, but in fact the light at the end of the road. 

Rock and Roll All Night...And Party Every Day
 Kierstan and I at the KISS concert 9-22-10
 So much fun! I really could rock and roll all night and party everyday!
BEST SHOT EVER! I decided next time they come in concert, I'm springing for back stage passes!


I'm going to be a GREAT AUNT! Brit Brit and Colby announced they had a bun in the oven! I'm so stinkin' excited I can hardly stand it! Baby Girl expected to arrive at the end of March 2011

Happy Hauntings! Our annual Halloween Party...also my favorite time of year!
I was a fabulous flapper girl! 


Thanksgiving! Mom bought a table a year or so ago that expands from a 4 foot round to seating for 20 and she finally got to put it to good use as this year our table was set for 15! Although we've been having monthly family dinner together, this was the first time we've all been together for Thanksgiving since I was a little girl! I was extra thankful to spend the day with the majority of those I love, although it made me miss my Grandma and Grandpa just a little bit more. My mom's neighbors also joined in, since he had broken his foot so they weren't able to travel home to be with family. 
And who knew a dog bed could be so much fun! Kenn took turns spinning Kaicee and Finnley  around on the hard wood floor...giggles galore!

 This year I took charge of starting a new tradition! The Giant Gingerbread Build Off! It was more work than I anticipated...that a lot of gingerbread dough to knead, but it was well worth the effort! Every time I opened the over door I expected one to jump out and say, "Run, run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me! I'm the Gingerbread Man! We all had such a great time, laughing and giggling at what each person came up with!
And as a bonus...they tasted Mmm Mmm Good!

And now, it's the last day of the year. All in all, 2010 has been a good year. I made new friends, had new experience, and made new memories to last a life time.


Rach said...

Love it!!