Driving home from work this evening I got to thinkin' about what I'd been doing on this night 10 years ago. It was the year of the Y2K scare. I remember I was at Natalie's house, getting ready to bring in the New Year with my regular group of rebel rousers: Natalie, Rach, Kasha and Dave, Kevin, Ryan, Liz, and Travis. I remember I had my nails done all fancy smancy...they were dark purple with glitter and fireworks painted on them. We watched a movie, but I can't recall which one. We sang around the piano...I miss that...and at midnight had life savors that spark in the dark. I remember walking outside to scream and yell and Orion was bright in the sky.Chad was on his mission in Guatemala and I missed him terribly! (Lucky for me he called the next day. I remember the first thing I said, or rather sobbed, was "I miss you so much!" I also remember asking him what he was wearing...meaning what was his every day missionary attire...to which he replied, "Ooo, what are you wearing?) So, tonight as I ring in the New Year with a snotty nose, my handy roll of toilet paper, and a hot cup of Tang, I'd like to review (in no particular order) some of the things that have happened in the last decade:
- Got my heart broken...more than once.
- Served a mission to North Carolina Charlotte.
- Finally got into the nursing program and graduated with my RN.
- Celebrated 10 years out of high school.
- Married off my best girlfriends...some of them more than once.
- Made out with a random brown boy on the white sand beaches of Oaho.
- Took Math 4 times, Anatomy 3 times, Physiology and Chemistry 2 times.
- Lived out my childhood dream of attending a New Kids On The Block concert.
- Conquered Havasupai.
- Took a road trip with my sisters through Yellow Stone.
- Was paid to poke people with needles.
- Delivered a baby...well helped anyway.
- Kissed Dopey on the head at Disney Land.
- Drove from Provo to Washington D.C.
- Turned 30.
As the 2010 dawns, instead of the run-of-the-mill list of resolutions, I'm making a bucket list of things I want to do before the year is over. Of course, I'll still have that list that includes things like "Lose 10 pounds" or rather "Lose 10 x 10 pounds" and all the other things that get said every year. But this bucket list is all about things I want to do...Like learn bellydancing.
What an adventurous past 10 years! Not many people can say they have done those things! I love you Somer! Good luck on your bucket list!
I'm so, SO PROUD of you for getting for RN!! I love it, and girl, you know I love ya. Afterall, who doesn't love the coolest person in the whole wide world!
I love the bucket list idea! And I say HECK YES to belly dancing! If I was in Utah, I'd be right there with you.
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