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Sunday, February 1, 2009

hERe, thERe, and evERywhERe

Less than a month after school started and I'm already on my hospital rotations. Friday night found me looking like a deer in the headlights as I wondered into the ER at UVRMC. Perhaps it was the pep-talk we'd been given before..."Your patients are your patients. You are their nurse." Uhm, I don't know how to be a nurse yet. Can I just say the thought of that is really, REALLY scary. Then, a light! My neighbor/friend Lauren works graveyard in the ER and was on shift. I was saved!

My night in the ER saw multiple drug overdoses, a plethora of chest pain, and a man passing blood clots the sized of a silver dollar from his penis. I think the "highlight" of the evening had to be when my 16-year-old OD patient rid her body of the charcoal she'd been given through an NG tube by projectile vomit in my direction. I sure hope it comes out of clothes.


Mommydew said...

Lovely. Sounds exciting! Glad you are still alive. And I miss you :)

Nielson fam said...

Somer that sounds so cool! I mean it you were in the middle of it all!!! Marcee told me about the get together on the 28th, I hope you go, I miss you!!