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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's that time again. Time to reflect on the blessing and lessons of the past year and apply them to the coming year, making it even better. I was so blessed in 2007 and learned a lot about myself. Looking back, it can be summed up into one great lesson: Change is required for growth. All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience~Henry Miller. As someone who is more or less terrified of change, this is a very difficult lesson to learn. I, however, am grateful for the opportunity. Looking forward into 2008 and the new chapter of my life that is beginning, I realize the great need for some new goals. If I listed each individually, the list would be quite lengthy. In a whole, it comes down to one thing: Balance. I need to achieve balance in each of the areas of my life. Find the ying and the yang. The feng and the shui. I truly believe this will lead to a happy and prosperous year, and ultimately a successful and joyful life. Happy New Year!