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Thursday, December 29, 2011

I wonder....

What did we do for fun before we got one of these?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Tis better to give than to receive

My favorite thing about Christmas...Presents! However, it's the giving of gifts that I enjoy the most. There's just something about finding the perfect gift. I love seeing everyone's reactions when the paper is peeled away!

Ericson and Keayra came over Christmas Eve Day since we wouldn't see them Christmas day...
 If you can't tell, they opened these...
 Giant egg and sperm in a petri dish!
(It's kind of an on going joke in our family. Baby Jaxson will be here in February, but his baby book started way back with pictures of eggs, sperm, and embryos in a petri dish)

Later that night, I gave mom her gift...

Followed by Ashleigh the next day...

Pretty sure I'll be watching these videos for years to come! 
Merry Christmas!!! 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Surprise Face

After Santa left and all the little kids went home to visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, the big kids spent the next few hours laughing until we cried while playing "Surprise Face" and "Surprise Body." Hours of fun for everyone!

Santa Baby

This Christmas an old friend dropped by that I hadn't seen in years....
Santa Claus!
 Santa brought gifts for the little ones. The best part was Suzanne teasing with Maddox. "I hope you made the nice list! Fingers crossed!" Of course he was the last child called, so for a few minutes I'm pretty sure he wondered if he'd made it onto that nice list.

Then Santa had a picture with the entire family. I think we overwhelmed him a bit, but he was a good sport about the whole thing.
 It turned into a total Santa photo shoot!

I even got one with the Jolly Ol' Elf and myself. I'm pretty sure he was one of Santa's elves making the party rounds....I remember Santa being A LOT taller! 

Santa also took the time to have a little Q & A session with our family. Somethings you  might find helpful....Santa's favorite cookies are chocolate chip. He's on a diet, so skim milk is best. The reindeer like apples and carrots. Most importantly, there are some 6'4" elves at the North Pole....Perhaps there will be one under the Christmas Tree tomorrow morning. You never know, but fingers crossed!

After some caroling and jingle bell ringing it was time for Santa to head back to the North Pole.
See you next year, Santa!